Sunday, June 1, 2014

The "Why" Phase

Goober is in the "why" phase.  And while I appreciate the curiosity and the desire to learn how the world around her works, the constant barrage of "why's" have been difficult to keep up with.  I try my best to give her a good answer, but after a while I seem to always end up with "because that's just the way it is".

I typical conversation in our household now goes something like this:
Goober: "Why is Bub's eating?"
Me: "Because it is time for dinner"
Goober: "Why?"
Me: "Because he is hungry and it's dinner time"
Goober: "Why?"
Me: "Because he has played hard all day and food gives him energy"
Goober: "Why does food give him energy?"
Me: "Because that's how our bodies work"
Goober: "Why is that how our bodies work?"
Me: "Because that is how God made us" (this is a favorite of mine: blame the "why's" on God)
Goober: "Why?"
Me: "Because that's just the way it is"
Goober: "Why?"
Me: "Hey!  Would you like to watch Tinkerbell after dinner?" (distraction!  And who am I kidding?  I let her watch during dinner too)
Goober: "Yay!"

Woohoo! Distraction success!  Until....

Goober: "Why is Tinkerbell flying"
Me: *sigh*

At least Bub's isn't quite as bad (yet).  He can make his presence known though.  He can say "mama", "dada", "hi", "stick" (did I mention he loves his yellow stick?), and we are working on "cat".

And if I catch anyone trying to teach my Bub's to say "why" I will lock you in a room with my 3 year old for a couple hours until you answer at least 100 "why's".  And when you get to "that's just the way it is" I will just laugh.

Can't believe he is so big!

"yay!" he was clapping for himself and we were cheering for him


After: Surprisingly, not much hair was removed since her hair is so thin.

Bub's loving some puddle play

It wasn't long before he was sitting and crawling in the water.  Good thing it was a bath night

My beautiful rain princess!

Pro puddle splasher

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He only ate a little mud

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful