Sunday, April 13, 2014

Signs of a Good Day

There has been a lot going on, but we try and carve out those special family moments when we can.  Saturday started off wonderfully as the four of us cuddle up in bed and watched TV.  This weekend was the first weekend since the beginning of the year that I did not have to work.  So what did we do?  We loaded up the kids and the wagon and we went to my work.  But this time, it was as a family out enjoying the zoo.  I wish I could say I didn't think about work, but that is impossible for me to do with so many projects and events going on.  But we had a good time.  Goober was sad the elephants were not out at first because as I told her, they were getting their feet worked on.  We did get to see them later on and Goober of course had to announce "their feet all better now right?".  It was a beautiful day to visit the zoo and we had a good time.

You may notice in these pictures that Bubs is holding a yellow stick.  It is actually a drum stick to a toy drum he got for Christmas.  No idea why, but Bubs is obsessed with this stick!  He had it the whole time we were at the zoo and did loose or drop it once.  Then he had to take it to church today too.  Not sure what is so exciting about a yellow drum stick, but he loves it!

So after we get the kids down for a late nap, Goober gets to go play in the sprinkler since it was almost 90 degrees out.  The first sprinkler of the year and she was thrilled!  She wanted to play again today after her nap, but seeing as how it is not even 50 degrees, we had to explain it was too cold.  

However, a sign that it was a good day was two kids who were knocked out at bed time and a bathtub with a bunch of dirt and scum at the bottom after the water was let out.  That means everyone played hard and had a good time.

And on another note, Bubs finally decided that he could crawl!  I was kind of dreading this day since after Goober learned how to move, I firmly decided that movement is over rated and stationary in children is good.  I was sitting on the couch eating dinner (we don't use the table as much as we should for meals, bad I know) and Bubs was playing on the floor.  I looked down and he was crawling across the floor as big as you please like he had been doing it forever.  I freaked out, got the camera, and of course he promptly stopped.  After some encouragement he did crawl again, at which point Goober promptly go jealous and tried to steal the show.  Now he is a man on a mission and nothing will stop him!  We might have to pull out the baby gates soon.

Well, I guess that is all I am going to be able to write right now since this post has taken way longer to compose than it should have since I have a pint size helper who keeps trying to type on the computer and then looking at me pathetically and saying "mamaama" when I make him stop.  

Once again, a sign of a good day.

Playing in the rain!

Warming up after the rain with hot chocolate

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