Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have a confession:  I haven't felt like writing a blog post lately.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Bubs has been sleeping extra poorly lately and when I do have time to write, I just want to go to bed.  It also probably has to do with the fact that this is my busiest time of year at work and I have been giving so many programs lately that I sound like frog when I talk.  Then there is the fact that I have also been putting in a lot of weekend hours.  And because The Weatherman is trying hard to get caught up on his online classes I have been trying hard to take care of the kids and clean the house when I am home.

I realize that one of the best ways to maintain readers to my blog is to update regularly.  On this I have failed lately.  I can only promise to try and do better and hope that things will slow down (only about a week left of field trip season!) and that my children will sleep better (fat chance of that).

And on a children-sleeping note: a very vital piece of equipment broke in our house last weekend.  Our glider chair in the baby's room.  That chair has logged many thousands of hours rocking/gliding fussy children.  Considering it was not a super expensive glider to begin with, it has lasted about 4 years before it finally bit the dust.  The back broke off and now it permanently reclines and does not rock anymore.  In the spirit of trying to save money, I tried to come up with a creative solution to fix the problem myself (didn't work) or think of another chair we could use instead (no luck there either).  I also kept an eye out on our local Facebook trading websites (I scored a swing and a cosleeper for $30!) but alas, no chair.  We finally caved and purchased a new one that is being shipped to our house.  It will arrive Friday.

I am tracking that sucker like a cat stalks a mouse!

You see, Bubs doesn't really care who is holding him when he wakes up, as long as someone will come rock him.  However, now that we don't have a chair in that room, he usually just ends up in bed with us.  Which means if he starts to cry and kick me in the face in the middle of the night, I can no longer push the Weatherman out of bed and tell him to go rock Bubs in the other room so I can get an hour of much-needed sleep.  And of course like any good man, the Weatherman sleeps through all of Bub's nighttime wakings.

So it all comes down to this: I NEED that chair.  If we have that chair, I can maybe get a bit of sleep again.  Not that I ever got much sleep before (why or why do my children not sleep?!) but at least now I can force the Weatherman to take a shift so I can have the bed to myself and stretch out and sleep for a full consecutive hour.

As long as Goober stays asleep that is.

And now for your viewing pleasure....

My first Mother's Day as a mother of two!

Red neck wading pool

First professional photo shoot as a family of 4

He's lucky he is so darn cute!  

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