Thursday, October 10, 2013


If you work at a zoo, you probably like animals.  I realize there are exceptions to the rules (such as maintenance positions for instance) but the keepers and education staff are definitely not in this career field for the money.  Trust me on this one. 

If you love animals, it is safe to say you probably have a pet or two or three at home.  Some zoo people have a whole menagerie of animals such as my coworker the Dog Whisperer who has 4 dogs, 3 cats, and a rabbit.  Some people (like me) have a more moderate number of furry friends.  For years I owned ferrets but after my last one died of a pancreatic disease and old age, I finally convinced the Weatherman to let me have the pet I have always wanted: a cat. 

Meet Neko. 

The word “neko” is the Japanese word for “cat”.  I have an anime (Japanese animation) addiction so I always knew I wanted to name my cat Neko.  We actually got Neko while one of our ferrets, Pepper, was still alive.  The vet had given Pepper 3 months to live due to her advanced age and cancerous disease but she proved everyone wrong when she lived for another 2 years.  Neko (like all my pets, including the ferrets) was rescued, in this case from the local shelter.  When the Weatherman first agreed to let me get a cat, I did a ton of research and had a completely different cat picked out from the humane society website.  But when I went to visit my website kitty, Neko stole my heart instead.  As soon as he saw me, he started meowing and tried to reach out of his cage to touch me.  Who could say no to that?

And thus began a love/annoy relationship with the first cat I have ever owned myself.  I always said I wanted a lap cat, and I got that x100 with Neko.  He seeks out attention wherever he can get it.  Sitting on the couch with two children in your lap?  Not a problem.  Neko will find the teeniest piece of your lap and proceed to squeeze himself onto it and push the children off.  Or if that won’t work, then he will get on the couch behind you and literally lay himself across your shoulders.  Trying to go to the bathroom?  Neko will be right there on the counter next to you, rubbing your head with his.  Taking a shower?  Neko will either A) wait patiently on the counter or closed toilet lid until you are finished or B) wedge himself between the shower liner and shower curtain so he can meow at you while you are soaping up. 

Neko is also the silliest cat I have ever seen.  He loves pipe cleaners, twisty ties, and has become quite the hair tie/rubber band thief.  He will also dart into a room he is not supposed to be in (like our bedroom which is supposed to be off limits to cats) at any opportunity he can.  And when he does make it somewhere he knows he’s not supposed to be, he gets the most devious-yet-innocent look you have ever seen.  If you are a cat owner, you know the one I am talking about. 

As annoying as Neko is, I really couldn’t ask for a better pet and companion for my children.  Granted, he did hiss at both kids when we first brought them home as babies, but within hours he warmed up to them.  Now that Goober is almost 3, they have a very special bond and he tolerates her attentions with good grace.  Neko is incredibly annoying, but such a special part of our family that he could never be replaced.

Then there is Little Pete. 

Little Pete is actually a female cat and kind of weaseled herself into our lives without us meaning to adopt her.  At our previous residence a cat had a litter of “dumpster kittens”.  I found one next to the dumpster on my way to work one morning shivering in the rain so I of course brought it in and fed it and found it a home with another zoo employee (Jade is now a very happy kitty who is incredibly spoiled). 

However, knowing that there were other dumpster kittens out there, I tried, and succeeded in catching another.  This kitten we called little hiss-and-spit because she was so aggressive.  We kept her in a separate room from Neko since we didn’t intend to keep her.  Little hiss-and-spit however proved to be quite a character: she repeatedly got out of the enclosure we had set up for her and would get up on our guest bed and poop all over it!  Turns out she did have worms (ew) and that was causing the upset stomach.  But it still did not excuse the pooping on the bed part.  Without quite meaning to, little hiss-and-spit grew on us and we decided that Neko could use a companion due to his desire for attention, and the fact that both myself and the Weatherman worked during the day.

Little Pete is the exact opposite from Neko (which is wonderful because I don’t know if we could handle two Neko’s).  She is very shy and if you ever visit our house you will not see her at all since she runs away and hides the entire time (quite the opposite from the little hiss-and-spit she used to be).  She will not sit on laps but will occasionally sit next to me when she wants to be close.  She does like to be pet, but only on her terms.  She loves playing with those little fur mice and is our mini garbage disposal and will eat anything we drop on the floor or leave on the table.  One time I forgot and left a cinnamon roll on the table and when I came back from running an errand I found the cinnamon roll half eaten and cat puke all down the chair and on the floor next to the table.  And you should never leave a cup anywhere she can reach it because she will be drinking out of it the moment your back is turned.   

The Weatherman and Pete have a special arrangement:  Pete likes to sleep on top of our printer on top of the Weatherman’s desk.  She spends most of her time up there, but when she wants to get down she will wait patiently until the Weatherman clears a spot off on his desk so she can jump down to the desk portion and then onto the floor.  I often refer to Pete as the Weatherman’s little study buddy. 

Little Pete and Neko get along wonderfully and have pretty much from the start.  They can often be found curled up together on the couch or wrestling on the floor.  They are both indoor cats, although both have escaped briefly on occasion and were scared out of their wits and immediately came crying home. 

Our life, and the lives or our children, are greatly enriched by our furry family members.  For now, two cats are enough (although we have had ferrets, hamsters, fish, and a dog in the past).  We will be adding a fish to our family soon since that is going to be one of Goober’s birthday presents.  As those of you with pets know, they can be smelly, annoying, disgusting, and expensive, but the love and joy they add to your lives cannot be replaced. 

And now for your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures of Neko and Pete, doing the catty things they do best!  

Cat in a Sack

"Does this box make me look fat?"

Peek a boo!

Neko's first day home from the shelter

The Weatherman's initial reaction to having a lap cat

My little hiss-and-spit

Pete and the ferret Pepper

Poor hamster....

I do realize that there are more pictures of Neko than of Pete, but that is just because this cat is SO silly!

That is the ferret cage.  He is not supposed to be in there.

That is the dryer.  He is not supposed to be in there either

Neko think's he is hiding

Neko was going "night night"

He really is like a third child

Can you find the cat?

Best of friends!

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