Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bring On the Spring!

First of all I apologize for skipping last week.  I am trying really hard to write at least one post a week, but last week was a bit crazy.  Friday I had a work trip and was gone from 6:00am - 9:00pm and then Saturday I had to work from 2:00pm - 8:00pm.  Sunday the time change did me in and I crashed and slept in.  So I will try and do better.

Anyways, on to the actual post.

I love the fact that I live in a part of the world that has four distinct seasons.  Granted some of those seasons are longer than others (we usually have a very short spring and it seems to jump from winter right into summer) but I love the fact that just when I start getting tired of the cold weather, it starts to warm up and I have a new season to look forward to.  Sure it would be nice to live in a place like California or Florida that had nice weather all the time, but I think I would get bored of it eventually.  And I won't even consider what it would be like to live in the north where the winters last most of the year.  That is definitely not for me (see my post about how much I enjoy winter weather if you don't remember).

Ah but spring.  I love spring.  Spring is my favorite season.  After being cooped up inside all winter spring is the time for flowers to bloom, baby animals to be born, and for all us anti-winter people to come out of our shelters and face the sun with our pasty white skin again.  The weather has been bouncing back and forth from cold to nice the last couple weeks, and while I don't enjoy the bounces, we have been taking advantage of the warm weather.

This past week had some wonderful days, so Bubs got to go outside and do some things he hasn't been able to do before because he wasn't big enough the last time the weather was nice.  Bubs got his first wagon ride and his first swing experience.  He loved it!  Especially the wagon ride.  He got so excited as we pulled him around the yard, kicking his legs, waving his arms, and trying to pull off his socks to eat them (did I mention he has a sock issue?).  And he loved the swing too!

And Goober loves being outdoors also (I wonder who she gets that from...).  She loves to swing, play ball, and play with the "kids" next door.  We had an incident with the swing though that was rather scary.  The screw that was holding the swing snapped while Goober was riding it and she almost face planted into the cement.  Thankfully the Weatherman was there to catch her before she got hurt.  Still was pretty scary for all of us though.

But because of the unpredictability of the weather it keeps us on our toes.  Last weekend for instance we woke up on Saturday to three inches of snow.  Goober made her first snowman and was out enjoying herself only to yell an hour later that the snowman's eyes had fallen out because it was melting.  The poor snowman didn't last another 2 hours and then the following day the weather was up to 70 degrees.  Crazy.

I am looking forward to everything that spring and summer brings:  planting our little garden (which I always kill.  I am great with animals but I am horrible with plants), setting up our kiddie pool, playing in the yard, taking walks after work, bbq's, the new splash park at the local pool, the county fair, watermelon, fireworks, the smell of fresh cut grass, and so much more.

But I know that the smores, campfires, 110 degree weather, and summer camps at work will start to wear on me.  And thankfully just when I don't think I can take it anymore, fall will come with the promise of pumpkins, crunchy leaves, warm coats, cozy houses and then of course the holiday seasons.

Yes, I am very grateful to live in a place that has 4 seasons.  A distinct changing of the year, and all the activities, emotions, and memories that come with each.  So bring on the spring!

This is what I found when I got home from work tonight.  Crashed on the couch after a long day of playing and no nap!

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