Saturday, January 11, 2014

You know you're a parent when...

You know you’re a parent when….
Child-size clothes hangers look normal and normal-size clothes hangers look huge!

You find random kid items in your pocket (baby socks, hair ribbons, toys, half-eaten granola bars…)

You don’t hesitate to pick a booger out of a nose with your bare hands.

Wiping another person’s butt is a normal part of your day.

You purchase glasses based on durability instead of style.

You purchase everything based on durability instead of style.

You forget if you shampooed your hair before you even get out of the shower.

You forget that you showered a few hours after you shower and only remember when you realize your hair is wet.

Everyone asks what you want for your birthday but the thing you want most is 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a bed by yourself.

It’s 9:00pm on a Friday night and all you want to do is go to bed.

You find yourself humming along to kid cartoon songs while in public and you are not even embarrassed or ashamed.

A pony-tail is your go-to hair style.

You wake up in the middle of the night thinking “Have I fed the cat today?  Do I still have a cat?”

You are more excited to watch your kids open their Christmas presents than you are to open your own.  (this is only partially true: I still like opening presents)

Every nook and cranny in your house is taken over by toys.

Every nook and cranny on your fridge is taken over by priceless scribbles and drawings.

You can do practically anything with one hand and one foot because you always have a child on one hip and another attached to your leg.

You try to write a blog post but only can write one line at a time because your 6-month-old is teething.

You know you’re a working parent when….
You try to cram balancing the checkbook, paying bills, showering, making lunch for the next day, cleaning the house, etc. into the wee bit of time between the kids going to bed and you going to bed.

You rush to make the kids dinner after work only to realize at 9:00pm you didn’t get around to eating dinner yourself.

You become an expert at getting yourself ready for work in 30 minutes and pray the kids stay sleeping for those 30 minutes.

You become an expert at getting ready for work despite the kids waking up early.

You have an extra shirt at work in case you acquire spit-up between leaving the house and dropping the kids off at daycare.

You put more money into daycare each year than into your car, your house, or anything else you own really.

When you feel overwhelmed, all you have to do is look at those little faces and it reminds you of what you are working so hard for.

Guess who started solids?

Frog Face sitting like a big boy!  He still topples occasionally, but does really well.

Love that Goober!

Ready to go to daycare!

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